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  • Let’s talk about a mother’s product: Anti-overflow breast pad
Let’s talk about a mother’s product: Anti-overflow breast pad

Breastfeeding mothers must have the same worries:

It is very embarrassing that the clothes are soaked with breast milk during lactation. Some mothers may even have this kind of situation in the later period of pregnancy.

At this time, the anti-overflow breast pad is just like the "God soldier of Heaven", which perfectly solves the problem of breastfeeding mothers.

1. Anti-overflow breast pad should be changed frequently.

The specific situation of each lactating mother is different, but in any case, it is recommended to use it for no more than 3 hours each time, and change to a new one at the time to avoid bacteria breeding. Especially in summer, more attention should be paid.

2. Before feeding, it is recommended to clean the breast with clean water.

After all, it is the direct contact part of the child's oral cavity. To be on the safe side, we suggest that before the baby feeding should be cleaning the breast, to give the baby more health protection.